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Cliff Lovett20 May 2024 - 19:14

Congratulations to our Award Winners

Phil Brewers Clubman Award
This award is given to the person that the committee feels has shown outstanding commitment and contributions to the club over this season.

Steve Fahey

Presidents Award
This award is given by the President, to the club member, player or official, that has given / gives the club everything.

Stefan Bodnar

Brackendale Award
This award is given by the committee to the best player at the club this season.

Tony Leeds

Young Player
This award is given by the committee to the best U23 player at the club this season

Brijan Hasmuja

Golden Boot
This award is given to the player who scores the most goals.

Tony Leeds

7 Year SCFC Testimonial Medals

Simon Browne
Jack Clarke

Players Player Awards

1s - Steve Fahey

2s - Tony Leeds

3s - Gabs Filipi

4s - Brian Shepherd

5s - Abdu Ali

Special Award
400 County Career Goals

Steve Fahey

Congratulations all

Further reading